sedes diplômes, la carrière, le mariagealors bébé : J'atteinscommeje complète chaqueobjectifdans ma vie. Jepense à moninstructeur, mon entraîneur etmonprofesseurils méritent le crédit pour nem'utilisant pas moncouteau. Jesuisunemeilleurepersonne, mamanet oui, même unemeilleurefemme. Quiauraitpusavoir, dansces classes enseigne. Les leçons quiontprismon esprit atteindre. Ma fille que j'enseigne. J'étais si la surprise quandelle est venue la maisoncourante : Elle a détourné « Mamanjepourrais écrire un nouveau mot aujourd'hui. t-e-a-c-h-e-r.
” Alors, ma fille a continué à communiquer, « jevousveux la rencontrer, elle est le baby-sitter mieux que mon bébé ». Mme Luciano est monprofesseur préféré.
Who is that? She, her in front of the class: The woman who is talking fiercely like a cool cat. Oh. Her, Mrs. Abrams. Eye to eye contact, she will not believe my dog eat my homework, I am thinking "Man, I don't want to do the make up homework of addition, subtraction, division: I need a better lie so she could believe the sums, sums." She is worst than my mother. Mrs. Abrams is so quick to call my father.
Why does she care to be bother. Listen, she is our instructor, brother.
Got to cut school! Got to cut school! Look at this fool. This man wants to duel. You don't want to fight with the coach. He is a professional wrestler like a can of Raid; his fumes will terminate all roaches. I got things to do, I don't want to study with this coach! Books can not put money in my pocket. Like a detective, I am escorted to his class, Psychology opens my mind intrigue-inspire-eager: Education creates more opportunities so now I wish to rock-it.
Didn't you hear, Jeovanna was killed by a drunk driver. Everyone is visible upset: Here comes Mr. Shriver. He is suggesting for all the students to vent out their grief being some type of deliver. Who is this guy? Who is this guy? Communicating, conversing, relaying: Mr. Shriver tries. Treating me with respect, patting my back, giving me a hug: This professor is aiding me not to die.
Oh God! I am late. It has to be him my last date. What I am going to do with this baby, I am not ready to be someone mate. I hide my scars from my classmates. I lie to my parents about him, my date.
I have to keep this a secret, I have to keep this a secret, I put myself in this state. Class started, I feel his stare: I will not take his bait. Gentle he request for my presence after class; so now I have to wait. He liste